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Disruptive RF Capabilities Leveraging GRIN optics

Gradient Index (GRIN) lenses possess large advantages to a variety of RF applications. Fortify’s expertise in the dielectric gradient and the gyroid unit cell as well as innovative manufacturing methods unlock new capability and innovation in your application.

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What is GRIN?

Conceptually, a microwave lens is similar to an optical lens. However, instead of light, the lens is designed for the manipulation of microwaves.  While a homogeneous lens antenna has a uniform index of refraction and discrete refraction at the lens-air interfaces a GRIN lens has a varying index of refraction and continuous refraction throughout lens body. The varying index in a GRIN lens allows the rays to refract throughout the entire body of the lens, while a homogeneous lens only allows refraction off the surface. This varying index allows for a variety of benefits around SWAP-C, field-of-view, and design freedom.

At Fortify, we utilize material science combined with our expertise on the unit cell design, to create GRIN lenses for use in mmWave beam forming applications. By utilizing the lattice-based design, we are able to create the desired dielectric gradient needed for your application. Previously, manufacturing techniques for GRIN lenses were limited to expensive lenses made out of a limited amount of materials, with limited design options. But with Fortify’s materials and manufacturing methods, lenses are cost effective, lighter weight, and can be made in a variety of shapes.


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